Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy everything the many worlds of my mind have to offer

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Another one of the pictures that survived from high school.

This is Ryungashi. It was my first attempt at a zanpakuto. For those of you who don't know, zanpakutos are from the anime Bleach, which is my favorite anime. I have since then changed the idea for my zanpakuto and drew that idea, but I kept this pic because I really liked it.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Three of Swords...kind of

This image was inspired by the Tarot card Three of Swords.

In most basic interpretations of the card, the image of a heart run through by three swords will be found. When I'm feeling vulnerable or hurt in some way my art tends to reflect that, a lot of the time it will be shown with damaged hearts or hearts with locks. Ended up with both in this one. This piece is one of the oldest I still have. It actually survived from high school. Except for some of my art class projects, I don't have very many things I did in high school. This is probably one of the best random doodles I drew in high school.

What Craziness Ensues

A couple years ago me and a friend went with my mom and her boyfriend to watch them play in a pool league, my mom, her boyfriend, and my friend were all on the league at the time. That night my friend didn't end up playing so we both sat back and watched. Eventually getting bored my mind wandered and this popped out of it:

A very homicidal bear, Ms. Barbie decided she was going to cheat on him with another denizen of the stuffed world. When he found out, he confronted them about, which ended in what they thought was the bear's death. Little did they know that he had survived and now wants revenge. When I sewed him back up I could only find three of the legs and one of his eyes, he requested the new leg. I armed him a little heavily though, hehe.

My friend drew the mouth and the spiked bat leg, I drew the rest. The mouth is kind of his signature thing and I thought it just fit in that maliciously mad sort of way.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Project Runway

So I love Project Runway. I think the designers are so interesting. Clothing design would be a thought for me, but I just don't think I could do all of the sewing, lol. I was watching the rerun's of season 8 before the premiere of season 9 a couple weeks ago and this pooped out of my brain

I really love floral and vine patterns in clothing, and love drawing leaves and such. In one of the episodes, a contestant had a drape from the shoulder like the one in my picture and I absolutely loved it. I really like the toga style of clothing in a way, but making the dress part form fitting I thought that it would bring it more into the present.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Celtic Friendship Tattoo

So I thought I'd start off the blog with one of my favorite pieces. This is a design that I made for a tattoo that I hope to get sometime in the near future.

The symbols in the center are the zodiac signs of my closest friends and me; Top: Capricorn (that's mine), Left: Cancer, Right: Pisces, Bottom: Leo

And to show how much I've improved as an artist in about 2 years of drawing, here's the original rough sketch I drew:

New Blog

So I finally decided to start my own blog for my art and writing. I've seen several artists with blogs and finally decided it was time to set one up for myself. On this blog I'll be posting images of my art, generally scanned images from my sketch books, but I do have and plan on making more 3D art that will require photos. I also plan on putting up things that I have written ranging from chapters of stories I have worked on, short stories, and the random poem that might creep out of my skull. I do enjoy photography and if I can find anything that seems artistic enough or interesting enough I may post that here too. Over the next few weeks I'll slowly be uploading all of my current art and writing and editing the blog as need be to make it run smoothly and cohesively. Hope you enjoy my artwork and whatever else makes it's way on here. I look forward to hearing from you and hope that you all have a wonderful day :)
 - Draco